Diatom Shop and Diatom Lab can be contacted by email at info@diatomlab.com or info@diatomshop.com

Barone, S., 2019. Fotomicrografia avanzata: costruzione di un Modello 3D di Diatomea salvabile come immagine o filmato, L’hobby della Scienza e della Tecnica Magazine 53: 22-24 

Please feel free to contact us with questions regarding quotes for customized products and services. We will do our best to answer your request as soon as possible.
Scientific photography and microscopy imaging services: we provide scientific imaging services using our state of the art Zeiss Axio Imager.A2 and other microscopes in full frame format. Various illumination techniques are available. Click on this link to dowload the pdf file with the Diatom Lab's Zeiss Axio Imager.A2 microscope configuration (objectives, condensers, etc.)
We can image your specimens, or specimens we prepare on your behalf. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.
A research microscope still made in Germany: the beam path of Zeiss Axio Imager.A2 is Apochromatic (IC2S = Infinity Contrast & Color Corrected System) and is enclosed in a stable cell that has been isolated from the rest of the stand and is thus particularly insensitive to outside thermal influences and vibrations! Zeiss Axio Imager.A2 has a 25 mm field of view and uses Zeiss M27 objectives, that have a bigger thread than the standard RMS objectives (27 mm versus 20.3 mm): in this way they capture much light, giving brighter and exceptionally spectacular images. Our in-house version weighs more than 40 Kgs, so is very stable for high resolution photomicrography and HD or 4K videos. Zeiss Axio Imager.A2 is a true jewel for serious study and documentation of Diatoms, Radiolarians and microscopic life in general.
Diatom Lab's Zeiss Axio Imager.A2 is richly equipped to realize photomicrographs according several techniques such as Differential Interference Contrast (DIC), Phase contrast, Polarized light (even with Lambda plates), Dark field, Immersion Dark field, Bright field, Rheinberg Illumination, Epi-illumination and Epi-illumination in darkfield.
Our in-house Axio Imager.A2 is accessorized with Zeiss M27 Plan-Apochromat and EC (= Enhanced contrast) Plan Neofluar objectives, and with Achromatic-Aplanatic condensers (mainly used in research, they force the rays of light coming from the field diaphragm to intersect exactly in the plane of the object with a very high degree of correction, providing details of extreme precision and cleanliness).
Another excellent and modern research microscope is used in our laboratory, the Zeiss Axio Scope.A1, but as a back-up instrument for routine work.
Stefano Barone is also a science educator and a photographer: he writes for several international naturalistic and lifestyle magazines. In his curriculum there are many collaborations with several publishing houses such as Gruner + Jahr / Mondadori S.p.A, Sandit Libri, Elettronica Didattica, Sprea Editori S.p.A, Fotografare and Logos Publishing. Here is a short list of some recent works and exhibitions:
Barone, S. 2023. Diatoms: the best microscopic objects to check, set and compare optical microscopes and contrast techniques, Microscopy and Analysis, 65: 13-18 (ISSN 2049-4424).
Click on the PDF button to download the free article
Barone S., 2022. Diatom Lab Microscope Test Slide in commemoration of Edmund J. Spitta, Micscape Magazine, 321 (ISSN 1365 - 070x)
Click on the PDF button to download the free article
Barone, S. 2023. Steindorff Microbe Hunter, an iconic microscope that is a sculpture, a work of art. New interesting facts. Its established presence (with an award) not only in design culture but also in museums. Overall optical performance evaluation by means of Diatom Lab microscope test slides. Micscape Magazine, 325 (ISSN 1365 - 070x)
Click on the PDF button to download the free article
Collaboration (scientific photography) with David Attenborough's Natural Curiosities (series 3), produced by Humble Bee Films and distributed by BBC WORLDWIDE

Barone, S., 2022. Anoptral phase contrast applied to diatoms: a study by means of test diatoms on the advantages originally described by its discoverer Alvar Wilska, over the standard (positive) phase contrast. Micscape Magazine, 311 (ISSN 1365 - 070x)
Barone, S., 2020. Diatomee e radiolari in campo scuro. Scienza & Tecnica Pratica, Vol. 7: 20-31 (ISBN 9788869283796)

(11/2019) DIATOM LAB is among the winners of Images from Science 3. The winning image is published in the Catalogue published by RIT Press (ISBN-13: 978-1-939125-67-5)

Collaboration with Diatom Lab (see references to Diatom Lab): Diatom Lab microscope slide of selected diatom Pleurosigma angulatum (see figure 3) and photomicrograph of proboscis of a house cricket (Acheta domesticus) in Rheinberg illumination (see figure 6c) provided for: R. Pelc, Beyond Brightfield: “Forgotten” Microscopic Modalities (available in ResearchGate), in book: R. Pelc, W. Walz, J.R. Doucette, Neurohistology and Imaging Techniques (Chapter: 8, pp.225-244), Humana , 2020 (ISBN 1071604260).
Click on the PDF button to download the free article
Barone, S., 2019. Illuminazione obliqua e illuminazione obliqua circolare (COL). Scienza & Tecnica Pratica, Vol. 6: 20-27 (ISBN 9788869283215)

Barone, S., 2019. Advanced photomicrography: construction of a 3D Diatom model saved as an image or movie.
Barone, S., 2019. Fotomicrografia avanzata: costruzione di un Modello 3D di Diatomea salvabile come immagine o filmato, L’hobby della Scienza e della Tecnica Magazine 53: 22-

Barone, S. 2018. Osservazione di diatomee e radiolari in campo chiaro. Scienza & Tecnica Pratica, Vol. 5: 16-24 (ISBN 9788869282928)

Barone, S., 2018. The magnification changer in optical microscopy and its unusual and lesser known precursor, ie the Revolver ... of the eyepieces (!), Micscape Magazine, 272
Barone, S., 2018. Il dispositivo per i magnification changers in microscopia ottica e il suo insolito e misconosciuto precursore, ovvero il Revolver...degli oculari (!), L’hobby della Scienza e della Tecnica Magazine 52: 28-34

Barone, S., 2018. Descrizione di alcune diatomee di alto valore collezionistico - seconda parte , L’hobby della Scienza e della Tecnica Magazine 50: 2-4

Barone, S., 2018. Il Test di risoluzione 2.0 made in Italy, per saggiare i microscopi con le diatomee, L’hobby della Scienza e della Tecnica Magazione 49: 26-30

Barone, S. 2018. Il microsopio alla portata di tutti. Scienza & Tecnica Pratica, Vol. 4: 22-31 (ISBN 978-88-6928-274-4)

Barone, S. 2017. Osservazioni indimenticabili al microscopio (Alla scoperta di diatomee, radiolari e foraminiferi). Scienza & Tecnica Pratica, Vol. 3: 12-22 (ISBN 978-88-6928-249-2)

Entomodena (Modena, Italy, April 8-9, 2017): Diatom Lab's exhibition about Plankton with Stefano Barone's documentaries and photography exhibition. Live presentation of the arranged diatom slide "Arabesque, the amazing diatom arrangement (version A)": 85 selected Diatoms mounted in Diatom Cubed mountant (see price list)

Scienza & Natura Expo (Parco Esposizioni Novegro, Italy, March 25-26, 2017): live presentation of the 9 Form Test Plate: 9 micromanipulated resolution test diatoms mounted in Diatom Cubed (see price list)

Barone, S. 2016. Nel micro come nel macro, Scienza e Conoscenza 58: 16-19

The Adirondack Review, Fall 2017, art & literature quarterly: http://www.theadirondackreview.com/stefanobarone.html
Barone, S., 2017. Descrizione di alcune diatomee di alto valore collezionistico (prima parte), L’hobby della Scienza e della Tecnica 48: 34-36

Barone, S., 2017. Navicula oblonga, una diatomea "difficile" per prove di risoluzione estreme, L’hobby della Scienza e della Tecnica 460-

Barone, S., 2017. Il nuovissimo Test di risoluzione per microscopi ottici con nove diatomee micromanipolate, ovvero il 9 Form Test Plate (versione 1.0), L’hobby della Scienza e della Tecnica 45: 20-23

Top winner image of NIKON Small World 2016: 65 Radiolarians micromanipulated by Stefano Barone in Victorian style (100x). Mounted in natural Canada balsam. Photomicrography by Stefano Barone. December 2017 page of 2017 NIKON Small World Calendar

Barone, S., 2016. The Radiolaria of Barbados, sea gems under the microscope, Micscape Magazine 247
Barone, S., 2016. I Radiolari di Barbados, gemme di mare al microscopio, L’hobby della Scienza e della Tecnica 44: 16-18

Barone, S., 2016. Universi fantastici, Asferico 51: 8-15

Interview to Stefano Barone: "Art forms in Nature", The Photomicrography of Stefano Barone, Fossil News, Spring 2016, Vol. 17/1: 12-17

The Visual Guide to 1mm (Japanese textbook for schools: 目でみる1mmの図鑑 ), Tokyo-Shoseki, 2015: photomicrographs by Stefano Barone printed on pages 5 and 49 (ISBN 978-4-487-80936-3)

Photographic exhibition, VIII Biennale di Soncino (CR, Italy), 2015 August and September: art Catalogue published by Skyra (ISBN 978-88-572-3018-4):

Photographic exhibition, Novegro Photo Cine (Parco Esposizioni Novegro, Italy): October 24-25 2015
Main cover photograph by Stefano Barone, L’hobby della Scienza e della Tecnica 42 (2016)

Barone, S., 2016. Un viaggio avventuroso alla ricerca delle preziose diatomiti di Saint-Laurent-la-Vernède (Francia), L’hobby della Scienza e della Tecnica 41: 2-6 (main cover photograph by Stefano Barone)

Barone, S., 2016. Rediscover Lumipan, the superb black enamel Carl Zeiss Jena research microscope. Micscape Magazine
Barone, S., 2015. Dal Bello del microcosmo all'arte delle micromanipolazioni, L'hobby della Scienza e della Tecnica 37: 10-13

Barone, S., 2015. Il microscopio da ricerca "Lumipan" (Carl Zeiss Jena, 1939): segreti e virtù di un capolavoro d'altri tempi, L'hobby della Scienza e della Tecnica, 40: 22-25 (main cover photograph by Stefano Barone)

Barone, S., 2015. Photomicrography and Art, Micscape magazine, 228: http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/mag/indexmag.html?http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/mag/artapr15/sb-photomicrography-and-art.html
Barone, S., 2014. Bello e invisibile (Photomicrography), Fotografare 4: 80-83

Barone, S., 2014. Fotografia al microscopio e Arte, L'hobby della Scienza e della Tecnica 35: 2-6 (also: main cover photograph by Stefano Barone)

January 2016 page of the Calendar of The Micropalaeontological Society http://www.tmsoc.org/
Stefano Barone is among the Winners of the Microfossil Image Competition & Calendar 2016 of The Micropalaeontological Society. His photomicrograph about the micromanipulated radiolarians from Barbados - he has personally arranged - opens the 2016 year inside the beautiful calendar
March 2015 page of the Calendar of NIKON's Small World 2015
(Stefano Barone is among the top winners of the NIKON's Small World 2015. His photomicrograph fills the March 2015 page)

Permanent work of art ("Diatom - Oxygen - Breath") at the Crema Main Hospital entrance (Italy) with a photomicrograph of a Diatom placed inside a three-dimensional vision